Thursday, August 14, 2008

Howdy once again. I have covered a lot of ground since my last post. I am now in Shelby, Montana USA. I feel like I am back home, and the weather is very nice. I will be headed East through the Dakotas and toward the Great Lakes area. First I must get my vehicles cleaned up and serviced, and get my phone repaired or replaced. Looks like Great Falls will work best for all of this. Here are a few of the photos I shot along the way. I will add others later on. The photo above is going into Homer, Ak. I think it was the best view in all of alaska. Don't forget to click on the picture to enlarge it. A large Glacier, which is between Palmer and Glennallen. This is the Matanuska Glacier. The Sun was setting behind a mountain over my right shoulder, not much light left but I thought the reflected colors were nice. As you can see, it was very cloudy. This is another Glacier area before Glennallen. I bet this would be even a greater view with sun shinning on it. Well, this is Chicken, Ak. I had a baked chicken sandwitch, with cold slaw, Blueberry pie and coffee for desert, $20.00. Dawson city, Yukon Canada. All the streets are dirt, with raised board sidewalks. Thankfully it only sprinkled rain while here. The old log building with thatch roof. Note the burled post. A Mama black bear crossing behind my trailer. This is one of the two cubs she had. When I spotted them they were eating grass down off the side of the road. They worked their way up toward me as I was shooting pictures and I think Mama was getting tired of me. After she went behind the trailer this cub came across, I was standing outside the truck, after I made this shot and was zooming in to get a closeup of the face I saw Mama coming back around the rear of the trailer and she was looking straight at me. Needless to say, I did not get the closeup shot, I got back into the truck real quick. Well, that's all for now, more to come >>>>>LATER<<<<<


Anonymous said...

Hi Roy, welcome back to the USA..
Keep them pictures coming.
Cindy & Joe

Anonymous said...

Roy, good to hear from you...great pictures. Be safe and keep in touch. Love you, Ann & Herbert.

maggiegracecreates said...

welcome back to the usa - the pictures are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Great pictures, as usual.